Haha, that was really good!
That was really funny, erm.. I don't know what to say now... Good job!
Haha, that was really good!
That was really funny, erm.. I don't know what to say now... Good job!
It's a good idea and you pulled it off pretty well. The real joke was simply in the title. No-one really thinks about how ridiculous super-villains would look in normal society.
It turned out to be like watching a political debate, lol. But it was funny. I'd say make more, but you've pretty much covered this subject. Make more good original stuff, then!!
It's alright.
Cautorisor is full of shit, and I think he knows it. You may have noticed that barely any of the objects in the whole supermarket had colour. Racist, my arse.
Who gives a shit what colour anyone was, in there. There weren't any women either, is it sexist? There weren't any red haired people, or old people or door-to-door salesmen in there, either, but they aren't fucking complaining, are they? You're as bad a Chris "Fucking-annoying" Rock, some of the main reasons that racism still exists is because you keep noticing that people's skin colour varies so shut the fuck up you fucking annoying cunt.
Anyway onto the movie... I don't like how it kept repeating itself, but at least you intended it to do that... The graphics were ok, the song was... ok... I know your style anyway so I'll say it's another decent weebl toon.
Ignore CrimsonKingnz... The whole thing was good!
If you write up a longer story and include those characters, you're on a winner.
Really good drawing by the way.
It got annoying after a while.
The song was ok... But you didn't do the song, did you? You did the animation bit, which frankly got very boring and annoying. I actually listened to the whole song and waited for something else to happen... But it didn't. So sorry I'm not very pleased and I've given it a zero, as it has no merits except a lame music video.
The graphics weren't superb but they did the job, at least you took the time to draw master chief properly.
That was really funny, I don't have XBox myself, but I encounter 'noobs' like that all the time on PC. They think that just because you have a good aim that you have an AIMBOT or some shit like that. Not sure if they even exist or are just a myth...
It was really funny what the guy said though. "Yeah, I'm gonna fuckin' PWN you... Heh heh heh." Classic.
'Standby-ing' sounds like it really, really sucks, by the way.
You must be from up north unless Eddie has gone global on me :o|.
Really good graphics anyway. I don't think anyone else will understand the E.S. thing though!
You might wanna add some kind of plot too?
Oh well, have fun web developing etc...
I like this series!
It's funny, but not vile, disgusting or full of death! Original.
How the hell should I know, bitches!
Age 38, Male
Building Controls
Wigan & Leigh College
Near Wigan, England
Joined on 5/25/02