1 m 13 yrs ld n evn 1 no tht tht wuz sh1t1"
da only thng tht wuz gd abt it wz the fact it remnded meh of
! Yu-Gi-Oh !
n da nly reason i nt blammng is cz ov
! Yu-Gi-Oh !
Yeah anyway, I'm not really any of those things. I voted fairly. This got to the front page because it's Christmas, and it's funny. And Tom Fulp must have some kind of sense of humour.
The effortless humour (as in the simple graphic images he used instead of including joints etc) made it funnier. The sound quality was a bit poor, but tolerable - not everyone can spend £600,000 on a top quality sound recording annex. The story was original and the robots were hilarious. Santa kinda creeped me out. And anyone who says this is racist needs to see a racism doctor. Voice acting a dialect isn't being racist. Look at San Andreas.
Anyway, this deserves to be on the front page for the festive season, so all you stupid noobs, SHUT THE HELL UP.